Let’s show / GREEN FOR GOOD

Green for good

Knowledge article by Patrick Wessels

Do you go for growth, health or a sustainable alternative? Or for all of these together? Use green for good. A strong colour that radiates tranquillity, and has only positive associations.
A no-brainer for more and more organisations, which even convinced one of the largest hamburger chains to move away from red and yellow. To mainly green with calming wood tones and light colours.

Green makes you happy, thanks to its strong association with our well-being. To shift down a gear and open the door to happiness. In a green environment (https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-017-4401-x) and commercially to make a good choice.
Green for good, and other colours also have a part to play within your brand, image and (company) profile. Discover the psychology of a colour that can either stimulate or soothe. As an opportunity to build more loyalty and a better brand experience, by using the appropriate colour.

knowledge article / August 2020 / refreshing

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